
british interlock hose fittings hydraulic machine parts divided into three categories Manifold Block

    Hydraulic machine components can be divided into parts and energy components and mastery of the purposes of parher braided hose fittings Part three categories. Although there are hydraulic components, their performance and device group piebald fitted request did not apply the skills to do the contrary, are summarized as follows discern introductions: Hydraulic and therefore the use of array diagnosed with abnormal skills
(A) the immediate fault diagnosis of hydraulic hydraulic machines use the skills being lost with Peixiu broad use, besides being diagnosed illnesses hydraulic practice, diagnosis methods, confirmed the scope of the instrument installation has no less sudden delving glass.
Now hydraulic machine so hate diagnosed approach, although from a conservative Overhauling sense organs parher british interlock hose fittings indirectly confirmed into full use of modern detection skills diagnosed stage, but because by the diagnosis of practice and diagnosed meter facility constraints, eyes minority or to undergo diagnosis and Comprehensive diagnosis method based. Will examine the dialectical sense diagnosed reasoning diagnosed, performance tracking screening diagnosed with transitional features France confirmed diagnosis of joint analysis of the rise of ways, hydraulic piecemeal process, or the operation of the hydraulic piecemeal rarely sever all points and qualitatively determine the hydraulic minor wrist problems, Find hydraulic diagnosed illnesses whose accuracy rate of up to 90 ^ above. France confirmed using dynamic parameters are also more immediate, minor use in pumps, valves, hydraulic motors, hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic test stand, hydraulic tester and weather hydraulic tester, etc., for the hydraulic components hydraulic components piecemeal stop by sequential detection logic confirmed. Will be within the pumps, valves, hydraulic motor, hydraulic & remove, common stop is flowing experimental test bench lunch compared, but the overall price Gao bench, so use less. And easy installation cheap price orphan hydraulic test, normally able to purchase, so the use of more broad. More than the rest of the hydraulic properties of fault diagnosis instrument, the normal price of Gao, and more from overseas exports, so use less. And the use of the department confirmed the instrument, it is necessary to cut off all points of hydraulic fragmented, making access to the hydraulic test instrumentation ferrule wire piecemeal, as it increases the robustness of the hydraulic coupling piecemeal, and enables the hydraulic oil purification. Because of all ethnic groups have not measured the same type of flow and pressure of hydraulic components scope is very wide, so the number of species diagnosed parameter detection instrumentation difficult to complete universal.
<4> In order to disassemble the hydraulic piecemeal without stopping diagnosed, can complete the diagnosis instrument universal, secondary adoption of vibro-acoustic method, thermodynamics and oil samples comprehensive method. But this diagnosis instrument price than Gao, so in addition to key sets of hydraulic facilities have serious use, yet with the use of ~ ^ environment. ^
Therefore, electronic scoring matrix hydraulic grate machine diagnosis and its positive online public oversight has lost the use of fractions. Such as heavy plastic injection molding machine adopt microcomputer hydraulic grate machine problems are diagnosed and online supervision fragmentary, indirect device is the tool through the keyboard, ready to be emerging on the instructions of the respective positions of the hydraulic fragmented forms and emerging skills hydraulic problems. Hydraulic problems that can indirectly detect and promptly remove the hydraulic piecemeal tasks robustness to lose a lot of progress.
Hydraulic fault diagnosis skills stagnation trend
<1> Use of mathematical statistics to further stagnation and practice perfect dish to judge robustness piecemeal approach the task. (Magic is some serious vital hydraulic facilities, introduce the use of hydraulic piecemeal diagnosed illnesses tree synthesis skills to hammer high robustness of their work.
(2) severe stagnation vital hydraulic facilities, hydraulic fractions are online monitoring and pre-owned common hydraulic problems piecemeal. If further stagnation and implementing electronic meter grate machine hydraulic problems are diagnosed and online supervision fragmented, especially in stagnant external hydraulic facilities, hydraulic hydraulic therefore fragmented library microcomputer grate machine is online diagnosis and monitorin
g piecemeal, # price high economic skills.
<3> confirmed stagnation and implement conservative approach, research and development of ancient conservative diagnosis instruments. Such as indirect operating processes are being fragmented hydraulic tubing wall flow measurement and ultrasonic flow meter tube pressure measurement instrumentation.
"4> After further stagnation and High Pressure Block sleep seized Fan dialectical diagnosed, logic diagnosis, screening performance with Cong diagnosed with transitional characteristics analysis method confirmed diagnosis skills lie change increasingly cumbersome way possible diagnosis.
(5) pay close attention to research and development to develop exotic, inexpensive, there is no need to open the hydraulic piecemeal stopped diagnosed troublesome for medium-sized portable hydraulic fault diagnosis instrument, after being diagnosed with skill hydraulic problems facing a large stagnant tight instigation life.
(6) intelligent diagnosis, pioneering expert diagnosis of fragmented data solutions are comprehensive, to identify such areas can take the initiative to achieve, thereby improving diagnosis Gao progress and accuracy.
(7) network diagnosis, application of the communications wrist, multiple fault diagnosis cover fruit liaison rise, complete sharing of resources, reduce facility injection facility application rate of progress, and promote the integration of corporate governance and ancient technology.
(8) "New Practice and conservative approach phase knot @ off. Conservative approach deposit is confirmed certainly have merit, still broadly used, but must have been injected into new forms and methods, such as pump leaked diagnosed, the practice of using fractal chaos to solve problems in the signal, fault diagnosis based on neural networks, genetic grate grate annealing method and the method used to imitate shot to neural network learning algorithm, handling all the network only minimal exercise Yi competently.
(9) Multi-sensor information fusion diagnosis skills, based on multi-source information fusion skills to analyze and solve gradual change in the news so hate diagnosed hydraulic study highlights. This piecemeal approach is not an indicator from the hydraulic multi-source message to be smart decomposition occurs more accurate insurance lasts and rulings. Ming Yu forging machinery provided Tengzhou

